Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 107 | Junio 1990



Playing with Fire
Note to our readers: The day this issue of envío went to press, the Chamorro government signed a sweeping agreement with the counterrevolutionary forces for the post-disarmament period. An analysis... continuar...


Yatama Takes the Cake
Two months after the multiethnic population of the two Atlantic Coast regions elected their first autonomous governments, envío attended the inauguration of the new government in the North Atlantic... continuar...


VACCINATION CAMPAIGN DRAGGING One of the early marks of the Sandinista revolution was the successful distribution of vaccines throughout the country and to all sectors of society. The first... continuar...


UNO's Balance of Power—On a Tight Rope
The internal workings and struggles of UNO are a labyrinth of political interests, ideological differences and personal rivalries. At times, the different factions have maintained the appearance of... continuar...


Municipal Autonomy in Nicaragua
With the February 25 elections, Nicaragua launched a new phase of government. Municipal Councils were elected in 131 municipalities (a unit that includes major cities or towns and their surrounding... continuar...


Contra Accords
In this issue, envío has compiled and unofficially translated the texts of the last four accords signed by the contras: the May 30 Accord just signed, the May 4 Accord, the April 18 Accord, and the... continuar...


The Last Word - Tomás Borge
As a service to our readers, envío prints below excerpts from a speech given given on May 24 by Tomás Borge, Comandante of the Revolution, commemorating the eleventh anniversary of the death... continuar...


The New Players*
The new government Cabinet members were not announced until April 24, one day before Violeta Chamorro took power, and two of those post changed hands by the 25th. When the list finally became official,... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America