Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 111 | Octubre 1990



Polarization and Depolarization
“The Sandinistas are finished. There are tensions inside the army. The FSLN is divided between the hotheads who don’t understand the defeat, who only think of barricades and riots, and a minority... continuar...


Education: UNO Goes To School
“Everything [in the Sandinistas' educational objectives] is applicable except the revolutionary part,” said UNO education minister Sofonías Cisneros in a June newspaper interview. “We believe the revolution... continuar...


Health Minister Under Fire
The far Right within UNO has begun a campaign to remove the President’s health minister, Dr. Ernesto Salmerón. Since the transfer of government, Salmerón has stood out as the most moderate member of... continuar...


DISABLED DEMAND THEIR RIGHTS On the first of every month, bank lines extend for blocks as the elderly line up to receive their monthly pensions. In addition to people over 65, others who receive... continuar...


“We Erred to Win...”
Revolutions are going through an intense period of reflection, debate and review of their projects and goals: what did we do and what do we do now? The questions are long, wide and deep, and they... continuar...


On Concertation: From Left to Right
Unless otherwise noted, the following statements are selected excerpts from a debate on concertation sponsored by the National Autonomous University (UNAN) in Managua on August 31 and September 1. The... continuar...


Harvest of Misery
When Nicaraguans went to the polls on February 25, many voted their pocketbooks and stomachs, hoping that a government friendly to the US would translate into economic prosperity at home. But recent... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America