Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 138 | Enero 1993



New Year, New US President, New Look in Nicaragua
The far right lost political space, and the FSLN won some. Does this mean stability? Are we possibly entering into a “superior stage”, which the Salvadorans call “bonsai”, since the left is reduced to assuming a minor, decorative role in the “pluralist” political society? ... continuar...


Nicaragua's Real Property Debate
In last year's final round of negotiations between the FSLN and the government, Sandinista leaders raised more objections than ever before about the government's neoliberal economic policies. The Cabinet... continuar...


Why Social Conflict?
The growing conflict in November and December was directly attributable to the government's economic policies, whose negative impact on the popultion only increased after the new 15% general sales... continuar...


Nicaragua's New Economic Measures: Reactivation Solidarity?
The economy continues at the center of national affairs. On January 10th the government began a new phase of its adjustment plan, baptizing it “solidarity reactivation”. Is there any reactivation or solidarity in the new measures?... continuar...

El Salvador

Controversy Swirls Around Armed Forces
The heart of demilitarizing is purging the army, and demilitarizing is the heart of the peace accords. Purging the Armed Forces is now the center of attention of all Salvadorans.... continuar...

El Salvador

The National Dialogue--What's in Store?
The economic expectations of the 83% of the Salvadoran population who don’t live in the areas affected by the Reconstruction Program and who contribute 90% of the national product are centered on the “Concertación” Forum, which should begin to funciton in 1993.... continuar...


Rigoberta for President?
The Serrano Elías government had moved mountains to prevent the coveted Nobel Peace Prize from being awarded to an indigenous Guatemalan woman named Rigoberta Menchú. When the fireworks began to go... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America