Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 166 | Mayo 1995



Faith, Hope and Mung Beans
Experiments are beginning in Nicaragua with the green mung bean, and the results are excellent: the mung destroys weeds, fertilizes and rescues the soil, and feed both humans and animals. Nicaragua welcomes this small but powerful ally. ... continuar...


The Chamorro Administration A Race to the Starting Line
The crises of credibility and economic stagnation are so deep that the Violeta-Lacayo team no longer has the resources, the capacity or the time to win back the people that brought them to power five years ago. ... continuar...


THE TEACHERS' STRIKE HOLDS ON..AND ON The strike by some 60% of Nicaragua's schoolteachers continued during all of March and was still holding strong when envío went to press, just before Easter... continuar...

El Salvador

Shots Fired Against The Peace Accords
On April 30th the UN observers’ mission left El Salvador, but nobody, not even the UN, thinks that the peace process is guaranteed. There is no certainty that the peace accords signed in 1992 are irreversible. ... continuar...


The Bámaca Case: An Uncommon Scandal
The CIA has a dirty, bloody history in Guatemala, as in all of Latin America. But never until now have there been such serious charges from so high a level against the CIA and the Guatemalan army. ... continuar...


The Generals in Their Labyrinths
Demilitarizing Honduras will be a long and complicated process, but it is underway. Despite many ups and downs, the power of the military is meeting up with limits.... continuar...


Will the US Go in 2000?
On the Panamanian horizon there appears with ever more force the decision about a de-naationalizing insertion of the country into the global economy. Closer on the horizon is the possibility that the U.S. will not leave the Canal in the year 2000.... continuar...


The Cycles of Crisis Are Narrowing
The Mexican crisis continues. Economic bankruptcy begins to squeeze the people. Corruption emerges daily for a bottomless barrel. In Chiapas peace is far from being sought. The system’s critical cycle appear to have reached a limit.... continuar...


Burning Questions, Pending Tasks
“There are many international organisms in our country, and they want to control everything. For them is there any difference between helping and giving orders?” That is one of the burning questions that religious people are asking themselves today in Haiti.... continuar...


Copenhagen: The Potential Success of a Failure
The conclusion out of the of Copenhagen Summit is clear: world poverty is eradicable in the short term, and there are resources for it. What is lacking is the political will to do it, and above all, the lack of a new model of social and economic development. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America