Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 175 | Febrero 1996



What Do Working Children Want?
Among children’s rights must be included the right to work. What really violates their rights are poverty and abuse by adults. Children dream of a world where play, work and study go together.... continuar...


Nicaragua Needs a Miracle
Some were expecting almost a miracle from the Pope. Nothing less than a miracle would bring about a new relation between the state and civil society, and elections that provide the chance to create a nation in which there was room for everybody. ... continuar...


A FEW TOO MANY? Nicaragua now has 34 legally registered parties, and the leaders of 15 of them have made public their aspiration to run for the presidency. The latest to be granted legal standing... continuar...


The Features of Our Political Culture
By Paul Oquist and Rodolfo Delgado. An extract from their work "Nicaragua's Public Administration Reform: Requirements, Antecedents and Contents," for the Institute of Nicaraguan Studies (IEN).... continuar...


President Arzu: A New Stage Begins
During his trip to Central America the Pope hailed the “joyful moment” of the peace agreement in Guatemala. That peace, according to the Pope, should be the fruit “of integral development that is inclusive of all parts of the population.” This is the great challenge that faces the new government.... continuar...


Central America in 20 Years: A Somalia-Taiwan Duality?
By Xabier Gorostiaga, sj, rector of Managua's Central American University and president of the Regional Coordinator of Economic and Social Research (CRIES). A summary of his presentation to the annual seminar of the Jesuits' Central American Research and Social Action Center (CIASCA), held in Guatemala in January 1996.... continuar...


Disarming: "It's Never Too Late"
At this time of a transition in power, the Haitian people continues to be concerned about their security and about the stability of their democracy. One of their principal worries is the terrorists associated with the form coup regime, who keep their arms illegally. What responsibility does the U.S. have in this situation? ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America