Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 246 | Enero 2002



ELECTIONS IN NICARAGUA The campaign for the elections in the North and South Atlantic Autonomous Regions kicked off on January 17 and will culminate on Sunday, March 4, with the selection of... continuar...


New Government, New Economy?
What are the first economic steps the new government is expected to take and what obstacles must be surmounted? ... continuar...


Rural Women in Nicaragua: "Anything is possible..."
The successful experiences of María Epifania López, a young peasant woman from the isolated village of Buena Vista, generate a good many reflections on backyard production, community development and women’s leadership. ... continuar...


The "New Era" Begins Amid Check Scams and Blank Checks
US intervention has given the new government a rare opportunity in the check scam case and a serious challenge in dealing with the man behind it. Society, too, faces an opportunity and a challenge—maintain expectations, trust, but write no blank checks. ... continuar...


Portillo Lives on Appearances While Covering up Reality
Guatemala: Two discourses, two countries. One, the satisfied rhetoric of President Portillo, a political playboy. The other, the private sector criticisms and skeptical desperation of the majority. We must get past appearances to find out what’s really going on. ... continuar...


A New President and Cracks in The Two-Party Structure
Ricardo Maduro is the new President of Honduras. He was the best of a bad bunch, from the most capable rightwing group. Certain signs suggest that it’s time to start changing the traditional political system and its way of doing politics if the country is to mature. ... continuar...


The Only Thing That’s Changed Is the Party in Power
After a year in office, the Fox government has yet to deal with corruption or impunity and is still implementing the same economic policies. Real change thus remains a distant goal. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America