Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 272 | Marzo 2004



Blood, Amnesty and a Paradox
The murder of journalist Carlos Guadamuz, the unwavering PLC demand to set Alemán free and the government’s great and growing paradox are three unstable dynamics within the political power triangle. How will these issues unfold? ... continuar...


The Killing of Carlos Guadamuz: Who Stands to Benefit?
If it’s hard to gauge the consequences of the murder of journalist Carlos Guadamuz, it’s even harder to guess the reasons behind it. And the whirlwind of suspicions makes everything even more painful. ... continuar...


Globalization and Development Seen from Below
In 1996-97, Rodgers, an English anthropologist, lived in a poor Managua neighborhood to study poverty and violence. He returned for a couple of months in February 2002, to find that the barrio had been “globalized.” ... continuar...


JUDICIAL CAREER BILL President Bolaños presented his judicial career bill on February 3. Its primary aim is to professionalize and eliminate party control of the judicial branch, which he has... continuar...


The Next Two Years in a Country that No Longer Exists
Halfway through his term of office, Ricardo Maduro has demonstrated exactly what he is, what he’s capable of and what he wants. He governs at the service of foreigners and a handful of Hondurans, in a country that no longer exists. ... continuar...


Keys to Understanding a Great Tragedy
For several years during the 1990s envío tried to document the changes taking place in Haiti. We were extremely hopeful about Jean Bertrand Aristide then. But that experience is now over and everything must start again. We’ve extracted some key points from three authors in an attempt to explain this tragedy. ... continuar...


Enron et al—The Fiasco of the New US-style
Corruption, fraud, influence peddling, mega-salaries, privatizations, deregulation of the economy and more… Everywhere in the world we deal with these realities with increasing amazement each passing day. Another economic system has to be possible. ... continuar...


A Central American at the World Social Forum
The author, a Guatemalan Jesuit priest and anthropologist, shared with envío some of his “very personal impressions” following his participation in the World Social Forum, held this year in Mumbai, India, on January 16-21. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America