Central American University - UCA |
Number 275 | Junio 2004 |
A Loaded Social Agenda and A Hemmed-in Government
With the oil bill growing, CAFTA on hold
and the IMF watching the country’s every move,
our mounting social problems have no escape valve.
How much maneuvering room does the government have?
Its response is to retreat into itself in an insensitive style
that leaves it more isolated every day.... continuar...
THE UNIVERSITY STRUGGLE FOR 6% As has happened every year for over a decade, university students took to the streets for more than a week starting on May 16 to demand the allocation of 6% of... continuar...
Municipal Decentralization Meets the Forests
Are municipal governments protecting forests and the environment?
Are they developing social projects based on trees and lumber?
Or are they acting as accomplices of the timber mafias?
A study done in eight Nicaraguan municipalities
offers some clues.... continuar...
Martín Torrijos in the General’s Shadow
“I know that wherever he is, my father, Omar Torrijos,
would be proud of what we’ve achieved here together,”
said Martín Torrijos after being elected Panama’s President.
But will the son follow in his father’s footsteps and
promote his still relevant political legacy?... continuar...
Does Torrijos Bring More of the Same?
In Greek mythology, Adonis was so beautiful
and so sure of it that even the gods fought over him.
In the following interview, a prestigious Panamanian economist
argues that his country’s politicians suffer from “Adonismo.”
He also identifies some of the the limitations facing
Martín Torrijos as he prepares to take power.... continuar...
The 1996 Presidential Elections Are Already Tearing the Country Apart
Mexico’s climate has been convulsed by
its political class for months. Caught up in a premature,
but all-out war over the presidential elections still two years away, the PAN and the PRI have been engaging in dirty tricks against PRD frontrunner López Obrador, Mexico City’s mayor.... continuar...
América Latina
Rhetoric Reigned in the European-Latin American Summit
While observers concurred that the summit did not live up to expectations, groups struggling for “Another World” were outside with both protests and proposals.... continuar...
América Latina
An Economy Without Ethics Means a Continent Without Development
The Ten Commandments of the Washington Consensus
haven’t worked in Latin America. This reflection by a government official in Guatemala, one of the continent’s most inequitable countries, questions the divorce of economy and ethics and denounces its tragic consequences.... continuar...