Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 317 | Diciembre 2007



How Many Conflicts Will the New “Direct Democracy” Trigger?
“By setting up the Councils of Citizen’s Power and CONPES,” pontificated Rosario Murillo, the First Lady, on November 28, “we’ll be sealing the Great Grassroots Alliance in Nicaragua. We’ll be creating the instruments for the development of Direct Democracy, of People’s Power, in our country. What will be the role of this Great Alliance of the ’People as President’s’ territorial organization?” We’ve been wondering that very thing all these months.... continuar...


IBERO-AMERICAN SUMMIT Although playing a seconding role, Nicaragua’s President took part in the incident between the King of Spain and the President of Venezuela during the closing session of... continuar...


We Must Expose Ortega’s Plans From the Left
This historical Sandinista leader analyzes the current conflicts within the FSLN, the lack of any revolutionary project in Daniel Ortega’s government and the government’s initiative to set up Councils of Citizens’ Power.... continuar...


Who Gets a Key to the Doors on the Forest?
“Civilization was born when the first tree was felled and will die when the last one falls,” warns a sign in El Castillo, a municipality within the still densely-forested Indio-Maíz reserve on Nicaragua’s southern border. The people trying to survive there are trapped by a lack of opportunities, the lumber mafia’s greediness and contradictory environmental laws. Only a forest management that takes such people into account will be morally acceptable, more socially viable and ensure us a more sustainable forest.... continuar...


In Memory of Cecilia Torres: Women’s Rights Defender and Femicide Victim
Gender-based violence is more than just a concept. Attacking, harassing, injuring and killing women are daily realities. Femicide is the killing of women because they are women. It, too, is a daily reality. Cecilia Torres was killed for being “a nuisance,” aware of her rights, which she defended and demanded for herself and all other women.... continuar...


The Gangs of Central America: Major Players and Scapegoats
They’re called pandillas in Nicaragua, and maras in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Where did these violent, organized young people spring from? The one thing that’s absolutely clear is that they are major players, born as the smoke of Central America’s military conflicts was lifting. What must be made equally clear is that they are also scapegoats for those who concentrate power in our highly unjust and profoundly unequal societies, which offer no opportunities for these youths.... continuar...

América Latina

Chávez’s Behavior at the Summit: Symptoms of Latin American Insecurity
The exchange below from the Ibero-American Summit in Chile has become infamous, prompting the author to reflect on leaders and peoples who swing between submission and violence in Latin America. Chávez: “I’ll repeat what I said yesterday: Mr. Aznar is a fascist….” Zapatero: “I’d like to tell President Hugo Chávez that at a table where democratic governments represent their citizens in an Ibero-American community whose basic principles are respect…” Chávez: “Aznar is a fascist and a racist…” Zapatero: “…one can be at the opposite end of the ideological spectrum, and I’m not the one close to Aznar’s ideas, but the former President was elected by the Spanish people and deserves respect…” Chávez: “A serpent is more human than a fascist or a racist, a tiger is more human than a fascist or a racist …” Juan Carlos: “Why don’t you just shut up?”... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America