Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 332 | Marzo 2009



Before the Night Gets Much Darker…
With a future boding darker than ever, Nicaragua’s political class seems once again to be choosing the abyss. The government is persisting in its errors, and the political elite in the opposition can’t or won’t recognize the errors that got us into this mess. The opposition has no project and appears unable to come up with proposals that could force the government to react or inspire the population. Will we find some way out of this… before night falls?... continuar...


A LITTLE TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM The director of the government’s Zero Hunger program, Gustavo Moreno, resigned his post on February 10, after constant harassment and charges by the Councils of... continuar...


Blow by Blow, Step by Step, The Global Crisis Is Hitting Us Hard
This economist analyzes Nicaragua’s political and economic situation and identifies the first signs of how the world economic crisis is affecting us so far.... continuar...


Looking at the Ruins of a Defiled Electoral Process
Following its November 1, 2008, pre-electoral message to the nation and its November 12 preliminary report of the irregularities observed on voting day, the Ethics and Transparency Civic Group published this final report on the 2008 municipal elections on February 23.... continuar...


Narco-Business: A “New War”
President Álvaro Colom has been visibly surprised at the exponential growth of drug trafficking throughout the country. Narco-business is triggering a “new war” with thousands of victims. It is also leading Guatemala into a dangerous institutional atrophy and boosting impunity by nourishing a nest of vipers in the state.... continuar...


Zelaya’s Final Year Is Off to a Bad Start
Democracy in Honduras is now a bankrupt process. After 30 years of elections and alternating Liberal and National governments, this democracy is threatening its citizens’ security and is impeding justice.... continuar...


The Crisis of Religion In Christianity
Does religion have a future? The radical cultural change humanity is experiencing indicates that the Christian religions as we know them have no future. Only after several centuries will we be able and know how to see the new religion that will have been born from the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America