Central American University - UCA |
Number 360 | Julio 2011 |
Mysteries, times, fears and challenges
The approaching elections
are heightening the uncertainties
that have laced this event for months.
Many mysteries remain to be cleared up;
many time limits are passing without answers;
and many new fears taunt from the horizon.... continuar...
DECLARED WORLD HERITAGE On June 28, UNESCO unanimously added León’s Cathedral to its World Heritage list as an expression of the transition from baroque to neoclassical... continuar...
How do the youth of this generation feel, think and see themselves?
What constitutes a generation?
What differences are there between the youth
of the nineties generation and those of today’s generation?
This sociologist answers those questions based on a
comparative survey done a decade apart by CINCO,
a Nicaraguan research and survey group.... continuar...
Memories of a lost generation
Thirty-two years after the birth of the attempt to build a revolution,
what do those who were children at the time remember?
I interviewed 12 people born during that decade.
These are the memories that were sparked.... continuar...
El Salvador
What’s behind Decree 743?
El Salvador’s crisis of institutionalitysince the hasty approval of Decree 743
can only be understood when viewed through different windows.
We examine several perspectives here, but other windows will need to be oponed to clarify the meaning and consequences
of this clash of the branches of state.... continuar...
Chronicle of a love story
After 27 years of anguish, hope and struggle undertaken by many women out of love, the Guatemalan State asked forgiveness at a ceremony in the presidential palace
for the disappearance of three young students while in police hands. If the ceremony demonstrated anything, it was the victims’ courage. Faced with an unbearable situation, they were still able to take the road of love, never bitterness.... continuar...
América Latina
Some thoughts for 21st-century socialists
This critical look at Latin America’s past revolutionary movements,
including a review of the imprints Stalinism has left on them,
offers a useful yardstick for measuring some of the risks
Latin America’s current leftist governments face.... continuar...