Central American University - UCA |
Number 371 | Junio 2012 |
Trembles, shudders, waivers and narcs
In his “Ode to Roosevelt” Rubén Darío wrote:
“The United States is grand and powerful.
Whenever it trembles a profound shudder
runs down the enormous backbone of the Andes.”
Nicaragua’s relationship with the US is trembling in the North
causing shudders down our backs here.... continuar...
THE RÍO SAN JUAN DISASTER At the end of May, Costa Rica’s National Roadways Council admitted to the Costa Rican newspaper La Nación that the highway President Laura... continuar...
The Family Code bill, as it stands, is interventionist, conservative and neoliberal
Knowledgeable, passionate and important reflections
about several aspects of the new Family Code legislation
now undergoing the approval process in the National Assembly.... continuar...
Memories of a scholarship generation
Through the Sandinista revolutionary government
thousands of Nicaraguans received grants in the eighties
to study in the Soviet Union or other East European countries.
How did they live while they were studying so far away?
What do they think of their experiences in retrospect?
What did they learn about perestroika and the final years of European socialism? Below are eight experiences of such youths. Each one is a story of survival. ... continuar...
El Salvador
Public-private partnerships: Another disguise for privatization
Last November El Salvador signed a trade agreement
with the United States called Partnership for Growth.
El Salvador undertook to promote Public-Private Partnerships
and President Funes has already introduced the bill to create them.
These partnerships will provide continuity to the wave of privatization,.
putting the assets that are still retained by the Salvadoran State
into the hands of investors, mainly from the United States,
who will get even richer at the expense of our taxes.... continuar...
The third horseman of neoliberalism: The Neo-Pentecostals (part 2)
Religious syncretism—everything can and must be mixed— and the
new spirit of capitalism have fused in the Neo-Pentecostal Churches,
which came to settle in Central America just over a decade ago.
This is part two of my reflections on this third horseman galloping in our region following
visits to Guatemala’s and Nicaragua’s most prominent Neo-Pentecostal churches.
The first appeared in these pages last month, a preface to my views
that described their management culture and positive thinking,
ideas that have also penetrated the traditional religions and our societies.... continuar...
América Latina
The extractive capitalism of Latin America’s progressive camp
South America’s seven progressive governments have many similarities, including continuing the policies of the preceding neoliberal governments. They have an anti-imperialist foreign policy discourse on the one hand, but economic alliances with investors from the empire on the other, including an extractive mining and agricultural capitalism that’s destroying their natural resources. It’s a Left that ceased being red,
but is certainly not green. Some have dubbed it brown.... continuar...