Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 387 | Octubre 2013



The corporative government’s “miracle”
President Daniel Ortega’s calls for dialogue with the Colombian and Costa Rican Presidents failed, but he’s been very successful in his most recent dialogues with his own country’s business elite. His offers to talk about border problems are consistent with long-term state policy while his concertation with big private business reveals an ideological split within the FSLN.... continuar...


NICARAGUA’S CANAL PROJECT: THE UN SPEECH… September 30 was the date of Nicaragua’s turn at the United Nations General Assembly podium. With President Ortega having decided not to attend, the... continuar...


Will the canal help build the nation or only further fracture it?
This expert on the Caribbean Coast warns of the dangers to the country as a whole, especially the coast, of the concept of building the interoceanic canal at any cost. In particular, he explains the threats to the fragile multiethnic nation-building process.... continuar...


Ernesto Cardenal: Revolutionary, rebel, poet
On September 30, the government of France bestowed the officer grade of its highest decoration, the Legion of Honor, on Ernesto Cardenal, the pride of Nicaragua. These were the words spoken by France’s Ambassador Antoine Joly in the ceremony in Managua.... continuar...


Mining exploitation is as harsh as the dictatorship
The new Mining Law will flood Honduras with 300 mining exploration concessions. In the words of Monsignor Luis Alfonso Santos, emeritus archbishop of Santa Rosa de Copan and founder of the Civic Alliance for Democracy, which actively struggled against mining extractivism, “With the new law the mining investors give us crumbs so they can earn the most at the least cost. And with the same damaging practices: open-pit mining is again permitted. We’re selling our future.”... continuar...


“We declare that the mining industry is criminal”
The Society of Jesus’ Social Apostolate Commission in Central America invited representatives from the communities, environmental and grassroots organizations, Jesuit universities, indigenous peoples and Catholic and Evangelical churches of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama to meet in San Salvador September 17-20 to discuss the issue of extractive mining in Central America. This is the final declaration, also signed by envío.... continuar...

América Latina

The good, the bad and the ugly of Ecuador’s new communication law
Communication has increasingly more political and economic weight globally. One of Latin America’s most debated and controversial new laws regulating the right to free speech and opinion was passed this year in Ecuador. What is the good, the bad and the ugly of this law? Weighing it up is someone who actively participated in the process resulting in this law. ... continuar...


Democracy as a Universal Value
Nobel Prize winner for economics Amartya Sen was invited to speak in Nicaragua in September. Everywhere he spoke he repeated his crucial messages: respect for civil and political rights, public debate and criticism ensures sustainable economic development, economic growth alone does not ensure development, and it’s a fallacy that the poor care only about bread and not democracy. We offer this 1999 address because it goes into these messages in depth.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America