Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 423 | Octubre 2016



At a critical juncture without knowing where we’re bound
With only a month to go before its elections, Nicaragua’s situation has gotten even more complex with the US House of Representatives’ passage of a bill that would require clean elections here as a condition for the determinant US vote on any loans Nicaragua requests from the international financing institutions. What more might happen before November 6? And more importantly, what will happen after?... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
RENÉ NÚÑEZ DIES AT 69 René Núñez, a member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) since his youth and one of the party’s most respected leaders, died in a Costa Rican hospital on... continuar...


The Nica Act puts us at high risk but must we repeat the Myth of Sisyphus?
This up-to-date analysis of the country’s economic reality also looks at the dilemma facing the Ortega government’s alliance with the Superior Council of Private Enterprise’s business elite in light of the new political dynamic opened by the Nica Act and of the economy’s current strengths and vulnerabilities. ... continuar...


Armed to the teeth:Nicaragua’s remilitarization
Why has the government remilitarized the country with lethal Russian armaments? What are President Ortega and the Army chief hiding? There are more questions than answers but the consequences are clearer. Recklessly and unnecessarily, Ortega has opened doors thought closed and triggered the beginnings of a dangerous arms race in Central America. ... continuar...

El Salvador

The repeal of the Amnesty Law: A bittersweet ruling
The repeal of the terrible Amnesty Law by a Supreme Court Constitutional Bench ruling is news the law’s victims have every reason to celebrate. They’ve been demanding it for almost a quarter of a century. But the repeal was bound together with three other rulings that affect the national coffers and guarantee privileges for the wealthiest in the country. Given those same justices’ actions in recent years, their ruling has sown doubts and suspicions that “they’re up to something.” ... continuar...


Peña Nieto’s “imbecility” and the teachers’ ability to keep struggling
Poet Javier Sicilia, leader of Mexico’s Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, wrote this about US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s visit: “It doesn’t matter what Peña Nieto said to Trump or how he justifies that visit. The act has been consummated and it shows, unequivocally, that politics in Mexico no longer exist, having been devoured by imbecility.” Right now it defines even better the teacher’s nationwide struggle against the educational reform imposed by Mexico’s President Peña Nieto.... continuar...


“We live in politically democratic but socially fascist societies”
Taking advantage of his participation in the 15th Central American Congress of Sociology at Managua’s Central American University on October 11-14, we interviewed Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos to situate his theoretical views in the context of our region, shed light on Central America’s past and present and suggest future paths. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America