Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 430 | Mayo 2017



How can we free ourselves from something this serious?
The Nica Act pending approval in the US Congress is a major threat to our country and most of its people, none of whom have any responsibility for its emergence. Denying reality and curling up defensively like an armadillo will not protect us from either its approval or its application. Yet there are no signs of the government changing tack to free Nicaragua from something so serious. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
CLIMATE CHANGE Although there are now more technological means in Nicaragua than ever before to predict climate trends, the country’s scientists say the atmospheric signs that allowed adequate... continuar...


“The State is mainly responsable for the country’s water problems”
Reflections on the complex challenges involved in guaranteeing, conserving and caring for our country’s water supply, contrasted with the failure of the government institutions charged with seeing to those tasks. ... continuar...


The words of an indigenous authority: “This is how we apply Maya justice”
Maya justice complements and fills in for Guatemala’s official legal system enabling the legal pluralism that enriches Guatemala’s legal ecology. I listened to Manuel Hernández, who, together with other local authorities, applied Maya justice in 38 Zacualpa villages, claiming to have healed them. He explains how they got the perpetrators to confess by talking to them, how they punished them with a switch, how their family took responsibility, and how the wrongdoers provided restitution for their offense. “We’ve done all of this without any incentive, any money. We weren’t supported by any NGO. We did it all ourselves.” ... continuar...


Preparing the scene and keeping an eye on those “squealing” in the North
As Honduras heads for a new general election in November and President Hernández prepares the scene for his reelection, drug barons from Los Cachiros cartel and others are now in New York ratting out narco-politicians they say turned the country into a drug State. How much will these revelations influence the onduras’ elections? ... continuar...


Media/Impunity/State/ Democracy/Opacity
A British human rights organization called Article 19 titled its human rights report on Mexico’s media for 2015 “M.I.E.D.O.,” an acronym of the Spanish words that follow, and itself the Spanish word for fear. The report sums up the prevailing fear with those catchwords: “…fear fed by the attacks on the media and journalists; impunity for such attacks; a State (Estado) that doesn’t respond; the weak democracy threatening free speech; and opacity in the dealings of government agencies responsible for ensuring the human rights and security of advocates and journalists.” ... continuar...

América Latina

There’s no rule of law here
By reprinting this editorial, envío expresses its solidarity with the Venezuelan people in their struggle for freedom, democracy, justice and fullness of life. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America