Central American University - UCA |
Number 463 | Febrero 2020 |
2020 will be a year of birth pains
This year the effort to consolidate and organize the
heterogeneous blue and white opposition movement
will have to endure the labor pains of a birth
complicated and prolonged by both state terrorism
and the country’s outmoded but deeply rooted political culture.
The health of the 21st-century agenda being pushed by the youth
who rose up in April 2018, awakening the country, remains to be seen.
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“The public health system is incapable of responding to our mental health crisis”
Carlos Manuel Fernández
This specialist in mental health and crisis
shares experiences, reflections and information
to better understand aspects of the mental health problems
caused by the human rights crisis Nicaragua is experiencing.
These problems are made worse by the serious shortages
In the health system’s ability to respond to them.
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Nicaragua briefs
This is the text released by the Blue and White National Unity and the Civic Alliance for Democracy and Justice on January 17 announcing that they had... continuar...
El Salvador
Seven months of Bukele with the FMLN and ARENA in crisis
With both the FMLN and ARENA mired in quicksand,
the traditional Left and Right are sinking further with every step,
while the optimism for Nayib Bukele’s new government still holds.
The public’s perceptions of the country’s security seem to have changed,
even as hard-to-resolve problems such as gangs and water persist.
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América Latina
The Bolivia crisis: Evaluating Evo
One of the best known international leftist writers
assesses what happened in Bolivia’s last elections,
the achievements and errors of Evo’s three terms,
what happened with his fall, and the Left’s critiques.
He ends by pointing to where we must go from here.
This article is a valuable contribution to the debate
such an event demands, provokes and merits.
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We are staring down a major crossroads
We have come to a new world order
in a scenario that is without precedent:
a major crossroads at a time of eco-social crisis
that has produced a metabolic fracturing of the
relationship between human society and Nature
and threatens the very existence of life on this planet.
Religions can help stop human excesses in this new orderm.
But optimism—which is a trivializing of hope—
keeps us from fully recognizing what’s happening.
These are some of his ideas from his new book.
discussed by the author in interviews.
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