Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 468 | Julio 2020



Can the social majority turn itself into the political majority?
The regime is paying the price of its erratic, criminal handling of the pandemic, as the latest CID-Gallup opinion poll confirms. Meanwhile, the international community continues to exert pressure for credible elections as the only political solution to the crisis the regime triggered in 2018, but the blue and white opposition, a clear social majority, has thus far been unable to forge the unity and cohesion required to become an electoral majority. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
SANCTIONS FROM SWITZERLAND The Federal Council of Switzerland, a European country that is not a member of the European Union (EU), sanctioned six Nicaraguan government officials on June 23... continuar...


“Online education has been our lifeline”
The academic vice rector of Managua’s Central American University analyzes the experiences, difficulties and lessons learned providing asynchronous online classes to university students in Nicaragua. The UCA has been offering them particularly since April 2018, and now, with the UCA’s physical campus closed, it is the only alternative given the pandemic.... continuar...


The ignominious end of Edén Pastora
Since 1978 perhaps right up to today, no figure from the Sandinista revolution has had greater international projection than Edén Pastora. Reaction here and abroad to his death from COVID-19 shows that there was still mileage in the questionable myth of him as a romantic hero, even though he was always a man of war, of guns, a firm believer in resorting to physical and verbal violence. Former FSLN guerrilla comandante Mónica Baltodano, now a prominent activist opponent of the Ortega regime, offers a brief biography of this controversial figure that seeks to provide a more realistic balance ... continuar...

Costa Rica

The pandemic reminds us of our interdependence with Nicaragua
Xenophobia has grown more virulent during the pandemic. But responsibility for the virus’ spread shouldn’t be laid on the shoulders of the Nicaraguans who live and work among us. Those responsible range from Ortega and his erratic policy to Costa Rica’s own agro-industrial tycoons. Today more than ever we need to acknowledge that our two societies are profoundly interdependent thanks to our shared history, geography, demography, economy and culture ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America