Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 470 | Septiembre 2020



“Until the storm clouds pass”
he “blue and white” social majority is increasingly impatient and frustrated by the contradictions and infighting undermining the National Coalition, which at its inauguration six months ago inspired so much hope as the vehicle to represent that majority in the 2021 elections. The storm building within the dark cloudbank that’s casting such a shadow on the Coalition is caused by intensely competitive electoral projects exacerbated by the age-old lack of a healthy political culture. ... continuar...


External resources give the regime economic breathing room
After over two years of worsening recession, which was reaching the brink of a depression with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Nicaragua’s economy has been able to skirt collapse as the clock inexorably ticks toward negotiation of the conditions under which the country’s 2’21 elections will be held. As this brief economic update shows, external resources and strict policies have come to the economy’s rescue.... continuar...


Nicaragua Briefs
TARGETING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The regime has added ongoing subjugation tactics, like those deployed against the Catholic Church, to its strategy of attrition. Its fanatics are encouraged to... continuar...


“Changing Nicaragua is about becoming aware of the environmental emergency”
This social scientist and researcher at the Central American University’s Nitlapan Research and Development Institute is participating in an international investigation in Nicaragua, Nepal and Kenya on governance for forest resilience to climate change. Here she analyzes many aspects of our country’s environmental reality. ... continuar...


Will we turn this pandemic into an opportunity to begin anew?
When they say the pandemic is here to stay, there’s a lot of truth to that unwelcome statement. It will leave but its social and mental consequences, its material and spiritual traces will remain with us. Honduran reality is already so extreme that this grim material, spiritual, economic and social future poses a profound dilemma for us as a society. Either we turn this pandemic into an opportunity to begin anew as a society, or it will be what finally sinks us into a terminal state of deterioration. ... continuar...


Central American-US migration in times of COVID-19
he pandemic seems to have substantially shrunk Central American migration to the United States, truncating or deferring family reunification projects. The figures reflect both panic about the virus and the fact that policies limiting mobility in their home countries are doing more to deter migration than the US measures. The stories of four Central Americans already in the US, two in Virginia and two in Los Angeles, provide a real sense of how immigrants are coping with the pandemic in those very different states.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America