Central American University - UCA |
Number 477 | Abril 2021 |
Hopefully waiting to find a way out
The regime beefed up its repressive apparatus
for the third anniversary of the April 2018 rebellion.
And despite the international community urging that
it ensure conditions for credible elections in November,
Ortega instead announced electoral reforms
that only pave the way for a complete farce.
For its part, the blue and white opposition
commemorated April with acts of resistance
and took the first steps toward forging
an essential united electoral alliance.
Might it reach firm consensus by May?
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Nicaragua briefs
“The health crisis the coronavirus pandemic caused in Costa Rica should have led the Nicaraguan government to declare a national alert,” commented epidemiologist Leonel... continuar...
“We can beat Ortega if we vote en masse and united”
This expert in electoral matters
shares his assessment of the
Ortega regime’s electoral reform project,
the conditions in which the elections will be held
and the blue and white opposition’s chances
if they can go to elections united and determined.
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Given the government’s lack of political will…
In this April 19 declaration,
ten potential presidential candidates
reject the reforms to the Electoral Law,
proposed by the executive branch
and presented to the legislative branch
for its approval following an invitation to
the opposition to present its views.
This declaration is the unified response
of the 10 announced pre-candidates.
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“Uniting our voices to categorically reject the government’s reforms”
The country’s two opposition blocs presented
a joint declaration to the nation on April 22
about the executive branch’s electoral reforms.
It was signed by 50 organizations, movements,
political parties and private business associations,
as well as organizations of the Nicaraguan diaspora.
It is the first step on the road to a unified electoral alliance.
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Are vaccines a commodity or a basic human right?
This author indignantly denounces
the commodifying of vaccines for profit and
as a mechanism for international diplomacy,
penning these thoughts in the name of
human dignity and the right to life.
Will vaccines and global health continue to be
governed by the market and foreign policy concerns
or will we assume them as a universal human right?
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