Central American University - UCA |
Number 478 | Mayo 2021 |
On our way to the “worst election possible”
Daniel Ortega didn’t care a whit about appearances
as he began to play especially dirty in the high-stakes electoral game.
He didn’t even flinch when the head of the Organization of American States
bluntly stated that Nicaragua is heading toward “the worst election possible.”
Over the next eight days he pulled stunt after stunt, making “the worst” still worse.
Given that the opposition parties failed to close ranks even in the face of this,
the only possibility appears to be uniting around a single candidate.
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Nicaragua briefs
Raw gold has become Nicaragua’s number-one export since 2020, over beef, coffee and sugar. This year, the sector hopes to export US$750 million and reach US$1 billion... continuar...
“I don’t want candies in Hell”: A 20-year look at violence against women
This is the story of groundbreaking research
that changed many women’s lives in Nicaragua.
Interwoven in the narration of this story
are snippets from the lives of two women:
its author, who led the research in 1995,
and Ana Cristina, pseudonym of the woman
who gave the study its title “Candies in Hell.”
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The human face of police harassment
The regime decreed de facto “house arrest”
for some 600 Nicaraguans just for being part
of the country’s blue and white majority.
Police surround their homes and don’t let them leave.
About 60,000 neighbors ae thus indirectly affected
by this repressive method. This is the story of one of them.
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