Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 123 | Octubre 1991



Reconciliation and Stability: Still an Unreachable Dream
Urban property fights, rural violence, an ever more painful economic pinch for the poor, internecine fights within UNO played out between the government branches, the extreme Right’s ideological mudslinging... continuar...


Just the Facts: A Poor Country, Part I*
In 1985, 63.5% of Nicaraguan households and 69.4% of its population were defined as poor, 22.7% of them living in a state of poverty and 16.1% in a state of indigence or misery. As is evident from the... continuar...


Scholarship Students Slip Through the Cracks
When Iván Hernández left Nicaragua in 1983 to study foreign relations in the Soviet Union, he was one of the country's best and brightest. A good student and committed political activist from a poor... continuar...


ENERGY CRISIS HITS HARD A prolonged drought in northern Nicaragua, coupled with increasing demands for energy, have forced INE, Nicaragua's state-run energy utility, to begin rationing electricity... continuar...


Behind the Birth of the Recontras
"It's not true that [the FSLN] lost the peasants; we never had them." —Daniel Ortega Saavedra to FSLN Departmental Congress, June 13, 1991, Managua "The Nicaraguan peasantry's... continuar...


The World Court Decision: An Historic Case
Augusto Zamora, who served on Nicaragua's legal team in its case against the United States in the World Court until 1990, reviews the key stages of the judicial process leading up to a decision in... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America