Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 129 | Abril 1992



Maze of the General; Maze of the Left
In mid-January, the army awarded a medal to the military attaché of one of the many embassies in Managua upon terminating his tour of duty. This practice, common among armed forces toward departing... continuar...


The Foreign Debt: Lengthening the Chain?
Late last year, the Nicaraguan government emerged from debt negotiations with 16 capitalist nations, known as the Paris Club, cheering victory and a 75% reduction in its debt to those countries. But... continuar...

El Salvador

A New Chapter Begins
With the recent peace accords and the death of the far right's top leader, Roberto D' Aubuisson, one chapter of Salvadoran history ended and another began. Still dealing with the same social contradictions,... continuar...

Costa Rica

The End of Passivity
"Calderón promised to eliminate the poor, and he's doing it; he's starving us all to death." This popular joke, repeated almost daily on the streets of Costa Rica, illustrates the key conflict facing... continuar...


Neoliberalism in Central America: More Than an Economic Plan
World Bank-imposed structural adjustment programs have now become so prevalent in Latin America that the Economic Commission on Latin America (ECLA) predicts that the foundations have been laid for a... continuar...

Estados Unidos

In the National Interest: Trends in US Foreign Aid Programs
It is hardly surprising that the US foreign aid program has always operated in the national interests of the United States. The definition of those interests, however, has shifted considerably over... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America