Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 135 | Octubre 1992



People vs. Neoliberalism: Who Will Fold First?
The poker game whose pot is the release of $104 million in US aid is still being played, and the US and Nicaraguan ultra-Right continue to up the ante. It’s the longest and most intense hand dealt since... continuar...


Economic Takeoff: The Little Train that Couldn’t
The political paralysis caused by continuous disputes between the far right, the government and the FSLN has not interfered with the implementation of the Chamorro government's economic stabilization... continuar...


Some Birds with Clipped Wings Still Fly
They're young, for the most part, like the others. But they're different. A war they didn't seek—none had ambitions to be a hero—ripped a piece out of their body and their soul. During the Sandinista... continuar...

El Salvador

More Stops and Starts
Despite high expectations for advances in fulfilling the new peace accord calendar in July, the FMLN's second round of demobilization did not take place on July 31, as agreed to; conditions were not... continuar...

El Salvador

Ending the Trauma of Terror
El Salvador has more than 75,000 war dead and thousands of disappeared persons—the majority of them victims of a systematic violation of fundamental human rights by the armed forces and the death squads.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America