Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 136 | Noviembre 1992



The Social Tidal Wave
The international media seldom consider third world countries newsworthy, and then usually only if the item is a disaster, natural or otherwise, as occurred in Nicaragua on September 1. Just after... continuar...


TIDAL WAVE DATA The army Civil Defense Department's tally of human damage caused by the September 2 tidal wave is 118 dead, 89 injured, 63 disappeared and 13,633 homeless. The UN Economic Commission... continuar...


Ethnic Communities of the Pacific and North-Central Nicaragua
Denied Existence; Obstinate Persistence? In this essay by Marcos MembreƱo, sociology professor at the Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua, winner of the first prize in this year's... continuar...


Battle for the Budget
With the battle to assign 6% of the national budget to the universities entering into an uneasy truce after one of the most significant and decisive university victories in 30 years, Xabier Gorostiaga,... continuar...

El Salvador

UN Urges Greater Progress in Peace Agreement
UN representative Marrack Goulding's visit to El Salvador in August was convincing: advances had to be made in complying with the accords according to the new calendar drawn up, leaving debate to one... continuar...


Everything the Same?
Nothing seems to change in Guatemala. After initially trying to strengthen civilian power, President Jorge Serrano seems to have completely abandoned this effort. Serrano apparently learned more... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America