Central American University - UCA |
Number 338 | Septiembre 2009 |
The Wind in Its Sails, Adrift or About to Run Aground?
Though the winds of economic crisis are buffeting Nicaragua,
the government ship is sticking doggedly to its original course.
Does it have the wind in its sails, “complying,” as the government hype claims? Is it adrift, as some desperate signals from its helmsmen appear to indicate? Or is it about to run aground, as the dispersed and fragmented opposition
so fervently hopes?... continuar...
FREE OF ILLITERACY On August 22, the government took advantage of the 29th anniversary of the conclusion of the 1980 Literacy Crusade to proclaim Nicaragua “free of illiteracy,” based on UNESCO’s... continuar...
Corruption Is the Most Serious Aspect of The Ortega-Chávez Relationship
A deputy foreign minister in the eighties, now a National Assembly Representative on the Sandinista Renovation Movement bench, this author analyzes some aspects of the
second Ortega government’s foreign policy.... continuar...
An Urgent Call to Use the Demographic Dividend
Nicaragua’s Civil Coordinator has made an urgent, almost desperate call to change the country’s course. We only have a few decades, so we have no time to lose. We must act now if we want to see a little light at the end of the tunnel.... continuar...
The Failed Conspiracy And the Chávez Factor
Chávez’s shadow terrorizes Central America’s Right. In democracies as fragile as ours, his influence was a perfect pretext for Honduras’ military coup, just as for the failed technical coup in Guatemala. In addition, Chavism can manipulate some on the left into being more radical,
increasingly polarizing our societies and leaving no middle ground in which to build alternatives to secure the future.... continuar...
Another Month Living with the Coup: “I Hear Something Rumbling...”
The worst earthquake in decades shook Honduras on May 28:
it measured 6.1 on the Richter scale. A month later, on June 28,
a far more violent tremor shook the nation, one we’re still trembling from. In our second month living with the coup,
we have a mixture of feelings: powerlessness, bitterness, uncertainty, defenselessness, repulsion, exhaustion…
but also joy and determined hope.... continuar...
Resistance with the Scent of a Woman
“They’re afraid of us because we’re not afraid.
They think, act, are and are going backwards
as they stay behind their military armor.
They see us laughing, struggling, loving, playing
as they watch us from behind their military armor.”
This song by Liliana Felipe, an Argentinean, is sung
during many of the Honduran resistance actions.
It reflects the feelings of the women in resistance.... continuar...
Don’t Deported Migrants Have Human Rights?
Three observation points gave us a chance
to see how migrants’ human rights are violated
in the arrest, transit and deportation processes.
In San Carlos we heard Nicaraguans deported from Costa Rica,
and in Guasaule listened to Nicaraguans sent back from Mexico.
Their dramas mirror those of thousands of other Central Americans.
Then in Managua we spoke with Asians, Africans and Latin Americans
detained as “illegal” migrants in our own country.
It’s worth hearing what they have to say.... continuar...