Central American University - UCA |
Number 344 | Marzo 2010 |
Chaos All Around
“Chaos is only order waiting to be deciphered,” said Julian of Toledo
in Antikeimenon or Libro de los Contrarios some 1,300 years ago.
Deciphering the chaos in which Nicaragua is now floundering
and fearing the new chaos in which we could soon end up
is a lot easier than finding a way out of it.... continuar...
PLAN TO COMBAT THE DROUGHT’S EFFECTS “WORKED OUT IN SILENCE” In mid-February President Ortega, who appeared concerned about forecasts that the rains will come late this year, created a national... continuar...
The Economy Will Be Austere And Uncertain in 2010 and 2011
This economist compares the Ortega government’s economic model
to that of the Bolaños government and analyzes the outlook for the next two years. He also provides clues to how the current government’s economic performance could influence or condition the results of the elections in November 2011.... continuar...
We Were a Small but Efficient Brigade And the Haitians Grew Fond of Us
This young Haitian, who has lived in Nicaragua for years,
accompanied the Nicaraguan Army brigade
led by Brigade General Mario Perezcassar
that offered help to the Haitian people for 37 days
following the earthquake that devastated their country.
He talked to envío on his return, just before an earthquake battered Chile.
His tale allows us to make some comparisons between the two tragedies.... continuar...
Children’s Rights: From Paper to Reality
The Ortega government gets mixed grades on children’s rights.
There have been positive advances in education and health,
but its passive acceptance of children’s subordination
and its failure to recognize them as rights holders,
participating with their own opinions,
is another reflection of its authoritarianism.... continuar...
Costa Rica
Chinchilla’s Victory Seals Twenty Years of Rightwing Politics
Laura Chinchilla won with an electoral campaign that played only to the Right
in a country whose political vocabulary doesn’t include the word Right.
The fact that she’s a woman didn’t open up any new discourse.
The electoral results show institutional weakness, growing social inequality
and arenas in Costa Rica in which populist authoritarianism is gaining ground.... continuar...
Acteal Twelve Years On
Twelve years ago the massacre at Acteal, Chiapas,
alerted the world that the Mexican government had unleashed
a counterinsurgency war against the indigenous Zapatista communities.
The system is now trying to cover up the crime with a judicial ruling
that only reveals the reigning impunity.
The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience included Acteal
among the 17 historic sites of gross injustice that
remind the world of a history we cannot forget.... continuar...
América Latina
Twelve Days on the Road to Rejection
The emigrants’ road of rejection starts at the US embassy in their country,
where they queue up hoping against hope for a visa to a dream.
It moves to migration control in US entry points and US streets,
which extends to judicial control in the courts.
It reappears in street and workplace roundups,
culminating in jailing and penitentiary control
and often ends in deportation.
I spent 12 days on this road,
and this is what I saw and heard.... continuar...
América Latina
“At The Heart of Uruguayan Democracy, Surrounded by Thinking Heads”
On March 1, José “Pepe” Mujica
took office as the President of Uruguay.
He is a former Tupac Amaru guerrilla fighter,
who later became a senator, congressman and minister
in different governments and is another “invictus” of contemporary history.
This speech, which he gave to his country’s intellectuals during the campaign,
explains a whole program for reflection, action and life.... continuar...