Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 365 | Diciembre 2011



After this fraud, the future will be written with an R
A month after its fraudulent electoral process, Nicaraguans remain polarizeded and expectant. Those who don’t accept the election results will face a real dilemma in the coming months, perhaps even years, between Resignation and Resistance. They will either resign themselves to accepting what happened and everything will go on as before, with more of the same that we saw in the five years preceding the elections; or they will resist and organize to change things.... continuar...


NEW RÍO SAN JUAN CONFLICT A new conflict flared up in latef November between the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, when Nicaragua learned that its neighbor is building a highway 120 kilometers... continuar...


SPECIAL - Thirty years of envío: The road traveled so far
On Thursday, December 1, envío celebrated its 30th anniversary (1981-2011) with a special event at the Institute of History of Nicaragua and Central America. Our editor-in-chief offered the following look back over our past and forward toward our future.... continuar...


The government must take Gadea’s 800,000 voters into account
One of the most competent Sandinistas, and one of those closest to Daniel Ortega for many years, shares his opinions and his appraisal of the recent elections and the country’s future.... continuar...


Notes on the elections in the North Caribbean region
What were the elections like in Bilwi, the North Caribbean capital, and what were they like in a Miskitu community in the northern savannah? There are both similarities and differences with what happened in the rest of the country: a lot of abstentions and changes in the correlation of political forces, but no violence. The FSLN-Yatama alliance was weakened and many people still have structural problems very much on their agenda. ... continuar...


What was the revolution? What is Sandinismo?
The FSLN’s official discourse insists that Nicaragua is in “a second stage of the revolution.” We thus need to examine in depth how the first stage, that of the 1980s, is remembered. These fragments from a more extensive book, are remembrances of the revolution on the agricultural frontier and conclude with the urgent need to review, rethink, rewrite and re-imagine the revolution and Sandinismo itself.... continuar...


Forty years later, another military President
Without fraud, the electing of a military officer, albeit a retired one, takes Guatemala back to its past. Otto Pérez Molina promised a “hard hand” and “compassionate heart.” Will his government also be civic and democratic? The burden of proof falls on the President elect: he will have to convince the country that it’s not heading down the militaristic road. Some of his first declarations are worrying omens. Will we witness an even greater deterioration of democracy?... continuar...

América Latina

We’re starting to see ourselves through our own eyes
The governments of all Latin American and Caribbean countries met in Venezuela on December 2-3. It was a first step towards creating the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). In this article, full of optimism for this step and those to follow, we can appreciate the huge differences in the political and economic dynamics that separate our Central America from the South American countries.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America