Central American University - UCA |
Number 408 | Julio 2015 |
Words for changing course
This month marks the revolution’s 36th anniversary.
The overthrow of the Somoza family dictatorship
allowed us to dream of transforming Nicaragua.
Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si’” encyclical
“on care for our common home”
coincided with this new anniversary.
Many of the words in this important text
allow us to reflect on the change of course
Nicaragua needs today.... continuar...
CONFIDENCIAL INVESTIGATES ALBANISA For three months a joint team of journalists from the Nicaraguan weekly bulletin Confidencial and Venezuela’s Armando-info investigated... continuar...
Only the maquilas are benefiting from our demographic dividend
The growth of the free trade zones in Nicaragua,
the conditions for the women who work in them,
the improvements and the rollbacks,
the role of the government
and the women’s demands
are all described in this article..... continuar...
The canal and its subprojects will provoke a cultural tragedy
The loss of cultural heritage resulting from construction of the interoceanic canal and its associated subprojects are incalculable.
Thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands of as-yet uninvestigated archeological sites would be destroyed.
It would be a tragedy that could never be reversed, and we would never even know what we’d lost.
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What territories will the canal divide and what populations will be displaced?
In June the Nicaraguan Network for Democracy and Local Development
presented the results of an exploratory, participatory and prospective study conducted by an interdisciplinary team on the socioeconomic effects the interoceanic canal and subprojects conceded in the canal law
will have on the municipalities to be affected
by these Chinese mega-investments.
We offer some of their data and thoughts.
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“If Nicaragua embraces science, I see a magnificent future for it”
Nobel Laureate in Medicine Richard Roberts
gave the inaugural speech for the academic year of
Managua’s Central American University (UCA) this year.
He left this simple, direct and accessible message with the university community that afternoon.
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“Let’s say a huge NO to mining”
In his Encyclical “Laudato Si” “on care for our common home”
Pope Francis refers to the damage produced by mining.
The Canadian gold mining company B2Gold
is already causing damage and will cause more
in the Matagalpa municipality of Rancho Grande.
The population, organized as “The Guardians of Yaoska,”
is opposing the company, joined by the bishop of Matagalpa.
Here are his words.
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Indignant torches against the political mafia
Ever since the Social Security scandal broke,
the Hernández’ government hasn’t had a breather.
It took no time at all for the indignation to burst out.
What has finally come unstuck in this country?
Is this the spring of deep political change
or just outraged youth seeking relief
from the corrupt political mafias?
I offer some key thoughts to understand
the background of the Honduran indignation.
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The Mexico-US border: A very lucrative, inefficient business. Solid and liquid border vigilance (part 3)
Wars aren’t just extermination processes, they’re also armed surveillance.The US military complex is creating a war zone on the Mexican-US border, which is very evident in the treating of migrants as if they were enemies, in the patrolling that is increasingly conducted as a military action and in a border that is administrated as occupied territory… albeit with notorious inefficiency and ineffectiveness.... continuar...