Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 412 | Noviembre 2015



The sum of all fears
Now in the countdown to next year’s elections, the government has offered a varied menu of signals that presumably indicate the power circle’s current concerns: more centralism, greater control, a new law, unusual repression in El Limón Mine, a sudden turnaround to demobilize the anti-mining campaign in Rancho Grande and a mega-display of military and paramilitary power to stop the peasants opposed to the interoceanic canal. The common thread seems to be the dread absolute power feels when it perceives itself to be threatened in any way. ... continuar...


Nicaragua Briefs
PUTIN DECORATES ORTEGA On November 4, Russia’s health minister, Veronika Skvortsova, presented the Order of Friendship to Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega, sent to him by President Vladimir... continuar...


We’re at an inflection point and should be concerned
Our forests are being cut down, our water supply is drying up, our economic model based on natural resource exploitation is being exhausted and our demographic dividend, which we’re not using well, will soon turn against us. The only good news is that our poverty rates seem to be falling, although even that depends partly on the yardstick used. It seems we have a few things to be worried about. ... continuar...


The face and the cross of Guatemala’s “spring”
The “face” of the Guatemalan “spring” is the awakening of indignant civic consciousness against corruption, also expressed in Manuel Baldizón’s defeat in the first electoral round. The “cross” is the result of the second round: a comedian President supported by the military. What analysis of this complexity can we offer? What will these results offer the country? The great challenge for the indignant civil society will be to keep actively monitoring the new government ... continuar...


The rise and fall of the Rosenthal Clan
Last month the US Treasury Department accused three members of the Rosenthal clan, one of Honduras’ most powerful families, of drug trafficking and money laundering. The patriarch of that family is ranked as the fifth wealthiest man in Central America. How did the Rosenthals make their fortune? What’s behind the resounding fall of their empire? A few notes to help readers understand the importance of this happening and imagine the possible repercussions for Honduras and the region as a whole. ... continuar...


The political clout of immigrant organizations, et al
Three Central American immigrants’ organizations— the Dolores Huerta Community Garden in Los Angeles CARECEN in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and CASA of Maryland in Washington, DC— although very different in size and profile, are united by all having grown from the bottom up, causing difficulties for the US anti-immigrant forces and challenging the State with civil disobedience and peaceful resistance. ... continuar...


For a pact of dreamers
Since 1987, the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights has annually awarded the Rafto Prize, in memory of Norwegian economic historian and human rights activist Thorolf Rafto, to a person or institution that promotes three fundamental human rights: freedom of expression, political freedom and economic freedom. This year, this prestigious award was given to Honduran Jesuit Ismael Moreno, director of Radio Progreso and of the Jesuit Reflection, Research and Communication Team (ERIC), and envío’s courageous correspondent in Honduras for the past 23 years. Father Melo received this greatly deserved recognition in Bergen, Norway on November 1, with these words: ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America