Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 419 | Junio 2016



Though Ortega holds a stacked deck, the opposition played its first cards
Starting with the delayed official call for the elections, the electoral branch has given one sign after another that the script for November 6 has already been written, and the election deck is stacked in Daniel Ortega’s favor. The opposition has the immense challenge of convincing voters that better times are ahead, that it’s playing to win, and that it’s capable of transforming things if it does. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
TUMARÍN PROJECT SUSPENDED It was learned in late May that as a precautionary measure the Brazilian government had suspended funds to the State electric utilities company Electrobras for its... continuar...


Municipal autonomy isn’t a concession, but a right the government has undermined
This long-time municipal activist shares aspects of the history of local government in Nicaragua and reflects on the loss of autonomy suffered by today’s municipal governments. ... continuar...


Powerful winds are blowing against the Grand Canal
Although the spokespeople for Nicaragua’s interoceanic canal are still saying the project is going forward “according to plan,” everything indicates that the mega-project won’t be built. It’s not credible or feasible; maritime transport is changing; and Panama is still the best option. China’s economy doesn’t seem to need it, as there are other, more competitive routes, and Nicaragua’s geography is a huge obstacle… With so many economic and political winds blowing against it, It’s unlikely that the Grand Canal will ever be more than a grand dream… or a nightmare that Nicaragua itself has set in motion. ... continuar...


A country-laboratory for Washington’s security policies
The investigation that led to the arrest of Berta Caceres’ actual killers is just one more proof that the United States is governing in Honduras. Everything that happens in the country should be seen from that perspective... and also from the perspective of Juan Orlando Hernández’s reelection project. The deterioration of Honduran institutional structures is why Washington decided to turn this country into a laboratory for its security policies, while Hernández’s excessive ambition takes us towards a regime that is increasingly authoritarian, repressive and militarized. ... continuar...


Donald Trump wants to destroy the heterogeneous State
The US has many states, counties and cities and thus a heterogeneity of immigration laws. This diversity—horizontal, vertical and street-level— offers undocumented immigrants daily opportunities that must be defended against Trump’s attacks. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America