Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 421 | Agosto 2016



Not a stone will be left standing…
On July 28, Daniel Ortega made one of the most defining decisions of the single-party model he seems bent on imposing on this country: having already ordered the Supreme Court to disqualify the only real opposition, he ordered the CSE to deprive its representatives of their existing legislative seatsFive days later he announced that his wife would be his running mate in November, thus ensuring family succession as part of his model. All his decisions in the past two months are clear preparations for a dynastic project. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
REPRESSION IN RANCHO GRANDE CENIDH has been receiving charges of arbitrary acts committed by Nicaraguan police against the peasant population of Rancho Grande, a municipality that late last... continuar...


Nicaragua’s electoral farce augurs a conflict with whoever wins in the US
Deputy foreign minister during the revolutionary years, the author recalls the general lines of US-Nicaraguan relations then and analyzes the possible scenarios for that relationship after the upcoming elections in both countries. ... continuar...


Armed and politically motivated: A repeating tragedy
Since 1990, the inability, insensitivity and lack of political will of Nicaragua’s successive governments to acknowledge and deal with the civil war’s residual effects on those who are always being forgotten has left many poor peasants seeing armed political violence as the only option left open, the only way to recuperate their stolen dignity and violated rights. ... continuar...

El Salvador

Political prisoners: “The Fifth Front” 36 years later
What was life like for political prisoners in the jails of the Salvadoran dictatorship? Here are the stories of Bernabé and Susana, of El Salvador’s Political Prisoners Committee, known in the 1980s as the “the fifth front of the war” Hearing their experiences is a tribute to those who fought from the prisons for the freedom of a people. ... continuar...


A book bathed in tears
Below is the presentation of Ixcán: Masacres y sobrevivencia, a book by Guatemalan Jesuit anthropologist Ricardo Falla, delivered on June 27 by José Luis Rocha in Quetzaltenango. It’s the fourth of a nine-volume series, Al atardecer de la vida…, a collection of Falla’s dispersed unpublished writings. He wrote what are now volumes 3, 4 and 5 in the mid-1980s while accompanying Communities of Population in Resistance, the survivors of massacres perpetrated by the Guatemalan Army. ... continuar...


How did we get to this chaos?
On his return from the Auschwitz concentration camp, Pope Francis said the world is at war. How did this happen? It’s hard to tell left from right among today’s political leaders, as they all seem without ideologies and subordinated to finance. Some historians argue that history’s two engines are greed and fear and explain that values and priorities change in an avaricious society. Clearly, the world today is experiencing a time of greed and fear. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America