Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 433 | Agosto 2017



The “buds” are pinning their hopes on the OAS electoral observation
US congressional approval of the Nica Act seems unstoppable, putting the Ortega-Murillo government in its gravest fix in a decade. But it doesn’t seem to be contemplating a responsible way out. Both the government and its big business buddies in Ortega’s corporative government model have pinned their hopes on OAS observation of the municipal elections this November 5 and a final report they hope will legitimize them. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL VS. THE INTEROCEANIC CANAL On August 3, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s director for the Americas, visited Managua to present the Nicaraguan section of its... continuar...


“The world has to learn what’s happening in Nicaragua”
Granera, the National Coalition for Democracy’s vice presidential candidate for last year’s elections until Daniel Ortega annulled that option, shares her reflections and experiences as an activist of the recently-formed Broad Front for Democracy (FAD) implementing the international strategy to democratize Nicaragua and her perspective on the upcoming municipal elections. ... continuar...


The Rancho Grande experience: Environmentalism in rebellion
Rancho Grande’s victory over the B2Gold mining company and the government is historic, exemplary and enlightening. Thousands of people organized and succeeded in stopping the company’s mining concession in Cerro Pavón two years ago, But B2Gold has seven more mining concessions in that municipality. We’re confident that the high level of maturity attained in Rancho Grande will bolster its determination to continue fighting to defend its territory. This article, which tells how they managed to win the first round, supports our conviction that they will again defeat the invasion of international mining. ... continuar...

América Latina

Are we solid, liquid… or maybe viscous?
When he first described contemporary societies as liquid, sociologist Zygmunt Bauman created a powerful metaphor. But, even today, firmly into the 21st century, we in Latin America are living in countries, cities and societies in general that still have a lot that’s solid about them and only traces and specific areas of liquidity. Reality tells us we’re living in viscous societies. ... continuar...


Big data and politics: The power of algorithms
In this new era of social networks messages can be adjusted to each user’s taste. This new form of communication filtered through algorithms creates a political and moral challenge for communicators. Should candidates tell each person what they want to hear? How does one seduce citizens accustomed to messages inviting them to be different from the rest? How does one bring them together into a common project? In a society divided into a myriad of individual identities, how does one interest the majority in the country’s situation or in understanding its economic policy? The answers aren’t easy, but these are the questions any politician faces in today’s world. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America