Central American University - UCA |
Number 442 | Mayo 2018 |
April 2018: An insurrection of the nation’s consciousness
No one expected such a flare-up.
It started when pensioners protested social security reforms.
Once the student-supported protest was met by violence,
it was surprisingly joined by even more, not fewer, people.
Rural areas have lived with terror and deaths for years
while Managua just seemed to slumber through it all.
But once awake, the entire country came together.
This spontaneous and unexpected explosion
wasn’t the product of an outside conspiracy,
but the eruption of pent-up grievances
Volcanoes don’t forewarn.
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Nicaragua briefs
In an op-ed piece in the e-bulletin Confidencial , Nicaraguan novelist Gioconda Belli wrote that “if Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo had complied with the constitutional... continuar...
The Nicaraguan tiger and the April rebellion
Marx understood revolution as a “tiger’s leap into the past.”
In April’s turmoil, the Nicaraguan tiger, its insurrectionist youth,
grounded itself in the past to leap toward a future
that must not repeat the present.
How did the unimaginable become reality?
April 2018 would have been impossible without social media.
Nicaragua’s leaping tiger is wholly a creature of the Information Age
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CERVANTES PRIZE 2017 Signatures
Before receiving the 2017 Cervantes Prize,
the Spanish language’s highest literary accolade,
Ramírez wrote this piece to explain his bequeathal
to the Cervantes Museum in Madrid
in fulfillment of the protocol asked of prize winners:
two signed letters, one by Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío
and the other by national hero Augusto César Sandino.
“I can leave nothing better than the signatures of the
two Nicaraguans who bequeathed me a country”
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CERVANTES PRIZE 2017 A journey outward and back
“With your permission, I would like to dedicate this prize
to the memory of the Nicaraguans recently killed
on the streets while demanding justice and democracy,
and to the thousands of young people still fighting
with no other weapons than their ideals so that
Nicaragua once again becomes a Republic.”
With these words and a black ribbon on his lapel
Sergio Ramírez began his acceptance speech
for the Cervantes Prize on April 23 in the auditorium
of the Alcalá de Henares University, Madrid,
We reproduce it here in its entirety.
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