Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 451 | Febrero 2019



Are we getting closer to the way out of the crisis?
Events in Venezuela appear to have reached a point of no return in that Bolivarian country. While any changes there will also have important effects here, Nicaragua was dealt its own political blows the past three months. In November, Washington imposed sanctions on Vice President Murillo; in December the Nica Act was approved by Congress and signed by Trump and a report by the IACHR’s Interdisciplinary Group of Independent experts established that the Nicaraguan State has committed crimes against humanity. In January, Supreme Court Justice Rafael Solís, a member of Ortega’s inner circle, resigned and took exile charging that a “state of terror” reigns in the country. Those are only the most important events that have rocked the regime. Is a negotiation to find a way out of Nicaragua’s crisis getting closer?... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
DANIEL BADMOUTHS HIS BROTHER Speaking at an event called by the pro-government National Student Union on December 3, Daniel Ortega effectively called his brother Humberto, chief strategist... continuar...


An urgent message for the Army of Nicaragua
Martin Luther King, Jr., once said: “I agree with Dante, that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality. There comes a time when silence becomes betrayal.” He was explaining his controversial decision to speak out against the Vietnam War, but his reflection is also applicable to institutions. Is it not appropriate today for the Army of Nicaragua?... continuar...


“Crimes against humanity were committed”
“The Nicaraguan State engaged in acts that, under international law, must be considered crimes against humanity. The analyzed facts must be characterized as a widespread, systematic attack against the civilian population. The conclusion is based on the geographic and temporal extent of the acts, the number of victims snf the severity of the acts of repression, as well as on the existence of certain patterns of behavior conducted with state resources, corresponding to a policy defined and endorsed at the highest echelons of state power.”... continuar...


Caravans are the new and tragic identity of the poor
“It’s worse to stay in Honduras,” said a family of seven traveling in the caravan. “On the road we risk getting assaulted or killed, but in Honduras we’re already condemned to die.” “Blame me, I’m leaving because I can’t stand my life here,” said another woman traveling along the way. But there’s no reason to look for someone to blame. People come together and with just a little encouragement they head out, pushed by winds that blow only North. ... continuar...

América Latina

The failure of the Bolivarian process (Part 2)
There’s proof of the failure of the Bolivarian process in the economic disaster Venezuela is experiencing. It’s particularly seen in the collapse of the oil industry, but also in the improvised policies with their backs to the law. Less known is the social-environmental tragedy the regime decreed, by which the resource-rich ands of the Orinoco Arc, 12% of the country, have been handed over to big transnational mining companies... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America