Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 458 | Agosto 2019



Here until 2021… and even beyond?
Daniel Ortega’s pretensions are ever clearer as he repeatedly asserts publicly that he’s staying until 2021... and beyond. Will the rapidly nosediving economy allow him to do that? Will he continue his cruel repression before the eyes of the world, which is now well aware of what’s happening in Nicaragua? And how will he be able to neutralize the persistence of the blue and white resistance?... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
CAPITAL SINS In an article published by the Spanish newspaper El País titled “El sueño de la razón” (taken from the Goya painting, The sleep of reason produces monsters), Nicaraguan... continuar...


Has there ever been rural development in Nicaragua?
This Central American University economics professor reflects on the different development models there have been in our country, emphasizing the rural sector’s age-old exclusion from national development.... continuar...


The six phases of state repression against the civic uprising
“Nicaragua’s human rights crisis is one of the most serious in the Americas in recent decades,” said Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur for Nicaragua of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). “The grave number of victims we have recorded in the short period of time involved is one of the most concerning elements,” added Joel Hernández, the IACHR rapporteur on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty. “Such a large universe of people subjected to detention and penal processes with so many due process violations is unprecedented in Latin America’s recent history. This ongoing crisis has involved various phases of repression over the past 16 months. We are now in the sixth…... continuar...


The beginning of the April uprising…
Fifteen months after the April uprising, the Ortega regime continues to insist that it was an extremely violent coup d’état. All official statements emphasize this version of events. The regime has made documentaries they screen in schools and has written a 300-page book to prove the coup and the coup-mongers’ violence… The non-violent beginnings of April’s events were documented by the GIEI delegation, to whom the regime provided neither answers nor access to case files or evidence from the cases corresponding to the period examined by the GIEI (April 18–May 30, 2018). This section of its report describes the characteristics, primarily peaceful, of the actions of those who began the protests.... continuar...


Words are my machete
The Young Cervantes Award was created in 1992 to distinguish the creative journey of Spanish-language writers in the field of children’s and young adult literature. This year a new category honors Ibero-American authors. On July 11, the Alcalá de Henares City Council and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OIS) honored the work of Nicaraguan writer María López Vigil, a recognized pioneer in children’s literature in her country, with its first Ibero-American Young Cervantes Award for Children’s Literature.... continuar...


Ten years of a coup d’état: “I, Juan Orlando Hernández…”
The coup d’état in Honduras 10 years ago has consolidated. And no one has gained as much political and economic power in the period since June 28, 2009, as Juan Orlando Hernández, now the dictator of a country whose institutions are in tatters. His meteoric career can’t be understood without the coup. By not changing the dynamics that made the coup possible, Honduras may again erupt against the regime he leads …or maybe only once he has been indicted and extradited.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America