Central American University - UCA |
Number 461 | Noviembre 2019 |
Reflections of Nicaragua’s crisis in Latin America’s new social uprisings
All of Latin America’s new exploding crises are political:
challenging power from one side or the other, or just from below.
They are also all social: shaking and polarizing their populations.
And beyond any specific economic spark that set each one off,
all have one root: massive disparity between the haves and have-nots.
In all of them, multitudes of citizens have taken the streets.
Sound similar to the crisis that blew up in Nicaragua
with the April rebellion?... continuar...
Nicaragua briefs
On October 25, Nicaragua’s daily newspaper La Prensa presented a journalistic investigation showing that Nicaragua’s regime has... continuar...
“We already won the elections; now we need to organize to make it real”
This expert in electoral issues offers a
detailed examination of the essential changes
the collapsed Nicaraguan electoral system needs
in order to guarantee free and transparent elections
and the extremely difficult political conditions
in which the blue and white opposition
would go into the next elections.... continuar...
Will we have new Army leadership or five more years of the same?
The second term of General Julio César Avilés
as the Army commander-in-chief ends next February.
Daniel Ortega must name his successor in December.
General Bayardo Rodríguez is first in the line of succession.
If he in fact ends up appointed to this top leadership position
it remains to be seen how much autonomy and independence
from the political interference of the ruling couple he can muster.... continuar...
El Salvador
Nayib Bukele kicks off his term to massive approval
Setting aside Bukele’s s addiction to Twitter,
political vendetta-like firing of government officials,
and slick style, not to mention ethe media’s snobbery,
the majority’s recognition of Nayib Bukele’s administration
has to do with it demonstrating that it’s constantly on the go.
Bukele is making action his priority, and the showier, the better.
He favors action over rethoric, and with the biggest payload possible.... continuar...
Utopias in Central America (part 3): From disillusion to April in Nicaragua
The youth who rebelled in Nicaragua last year
have helped us envision new dreams.
Their utopias seem more comprehensive,
as they expanded their dreams into the
cultural dimension and the protection of nature,
and they were capable of sacrificing themselves for them.
Their utopias are both bigger and smaller than those of the 80s,
and a transgenerational arc links us to these utopian youth. ... continuar...
América Latina
Ecuador’s rebellious speak with one voice
Ecuador just experienced an uprising
that was unprecedented and powerful for
its immensity, independence and enthusiasm.
It inaugurated an exceptional time of intense learning
on how to now build a grassroots unity that’s capable
of actually altering the country’s correlation of forces.
Perhaps the first thing to do is formulate a program
that proposes alternative economic approaches
and reforms a corrupt political system
hijacked by the economic elites.
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