Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 69 | Marzo 1987



Nicaragua at a Glance
In a situation into which new variables are entering at a rapid rate, the most important events for Nicaragua in February were: * On February 9th and 10th the third joint meeting of foreign ministers... continuar...


In Pursuit of Peace: New Victories, New Challenges
Last year saw intense confrontation between the Reagan administration and the Sandinista government, in which Nicaragua scored some important successes. Its key achievements were continued military... continuar...

El Salvador

Shifting Weight at the Two Poles
Three factors have been crucial in determining the political-military balance of the Salvadoran conflict in 1986: the deepening of the economic crisis, the social and political consequences of the October... continuar...


Economic Crisis: A Ticking Time Bomb
The key element in Guatemala in 1986 was the consolidation of Vinicio Cerezo’s new civilian government brought about by a shifting of the social forces, especially by the alliance or "coordination" of... continuar...


Chinks in the US Plan
Against the backdrop of low intensity conflict, US policy towards Honduras since the early 1980s has been dominated by the following lines: - The top priority is to convert Honduran territory into... continuar...


Introductory Analysis: Central America's People Put to the Test
In our special January-February 1986 issue of envío we analyzed the 1979-1985 period in Central America. Four fundamental conclusions were drawn from that assessment: 1. The prolongation of... continuar...


A Turn of the Kaleidoscope: Pieces in Motion
The Central American kaleidoscope was given a dizzying turn, particularly in the second half of the year, by a series of events that augured political shifts in the region and made it difficult to predict... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America