Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 291 | Octubre 2005



How Will This Interminable Conflict End?
Numerous actors in Nicaragua, some with better intentions than others, are trying to build a bridge to get us from today’s conflicts to next year’s elections and perhaps beyond. If that bridge is to lead to a democratic and just future, Its pillars must be firmly embedded in national sovereignty.... continuar...


CONFLICT HEATS UP AGAIN OVER THE RÍO SAN JUAN Nicaragua and Costa Rica rekindled their long-time conflict over the Río San Juan, which marks the border between the two countries in the Caribbean... continuar...


“Our Electricity System Is One of Our Political Class’ Great Failures”
This leading consumer activist analyses the historical, social, economic and ethical aspects of Nicaragua’s energy crisis from the perspective of the country’s National Consumer Defense Network, which for over three years has been creatively and tenaciously drafting bills and proposals, doing research studies, and organizing denunciations and mobilizations.... continuar...


The Left Nicaragua Needs
Can the Left in Nicaragua be saved, regenerated, revitalized? What brand of Left was the FSLN, the main leftist party in our history? This portrait of Nicaragua’s political parties, part 2, argues that building a leftist movement around Herty Lewites’ project is an opportunity and a risk we must actively take today.... continuar...


Elite vs. Grassroots Perspectives
Seen from above, Guatemala is profoundly unstable, barely governable, not because of social unrest, but because of widespread frustration. From the grassroots, however, Guatemala is sustained by all kinds of daily efforts, initiatives and advances, big and small.... continuar...


Are Mothers of Sexually Abused Girls Really to Blame?
What roles do mothers play, are they conditioned to play, when fathers, stepfathers or close relatives sexually abuse their daughters? Little reflection has been done on this subject, which is riddled with myths and prejudices because incest is still one of our societies’ best-kept secrets. The following are a few pointers in an area in which we still have a lot to learn... ... continuar...


Central America Cries
The rain didn’t stop for days. And even now we haven’t stopped crying. Just as we were closing this issue of envío, October brought us days of interminable downpours triggered by the combination of... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America