Central American University - UCA |
Number 122 | Septiembre 1991 |
The Sandinista Congress: Rich, Controversial, Inconclusive
Over the July 19 weekend, the Sandinista National Liberation Front held its first national party congress in thirty years of existence. That alone made it a weighty event, but was not its only burden.... continuar...
The FSLN National Congress
1. Statistics on the 501 Elected Delegates
2. Statistics on the 98 Elected Sandinista Assembly Members.
3. New Ethics and Honor Commission
4. International Observers
5. Top Ten Sandinista Assembly... continuar...
FLOODS DEVASTATE RAMA Less than three years after Hurricane Joan devastated Bluefields and Rama, the population in Rama and nearby river communities awoke in late July to find themselves neck-deep... continuar...
The Transformation of Education: UNO's Political Project
This article, written by Dr. Juan Bautista Arrién, won first prize in envío's fourth annual writer's contest. Dr. Arrién is currently the Ministry of Education's Permanent Secretary of the National... continuar...
The Revolution Is Not Lost
In elections for FSLN departmental leadership in Managua last year, Dora María Téllez won an overwhelming majority of the vote. That confidence and respect reflects her tremendous, and growing, popularity.... continuar...
The Last Word
We reprint below the "last words" from the FSLN National Congress, that is, condensed extracts of the closing speeches by General Humberto Ortega, head of the Sandinista Army, FMLN Comandante ... continuar...