Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 192 | Julio 1997



Coffe and Sesame: Mirrors on the Solution
How to overcome the economic and social polarization? Both vertical links and horizontal links in the productive chain are lacking, as is shown clearly in the case of coffee and sesame seed. The new world scenario demonstrates that there will be develop for everybody or for nobody. ... continuar...


Is There a Bridge Over These Troubled Waters?
The government keeps making enemies and establishing ties with Miami capital. Its strategy puts national stability at risk, but everything seems to indicate that the government is decided on navigating through turbulent waters. ... continuar...


TWO MINISTERS FIRED, ONE RESIGNS Francisco José Laínez, the prestigious Central Bank president in the 1960s who was named by Alemán as his Minister of Economy, resigned his post in May for what... continuar...

El Salvador

A Leftwing Mayor In the Continent's Most Violent Capital
Hector Silva, a doctor with “patriotic pain” and seven strategic priorities, is the new mayor of San Salvador. The Central American left has its eyes on this man and on the historic opportunity that his election has afforded.... continuar...


War Embedded in the Culture
Despite the long-awaited peace agreement, war is still embedded in Guatemalan culture, a culture of violence with historical roots in the state, but also a culture consented to and encouraged during decades by many people’s silent complicity. ... continuar...


Popular Pressure In a Sea of Violence
Social discontent has exploded throughout the country. The people organize, make demands and quicken the government’s turtle-like pace. In the background is an organized crime ring ever more organized and more dangerous.... continuar...


End of Century, End of a Regime
The Mexican crisis is not only financial: it is a total and terminal crisis. The old regime is in its final throes and becomes ever more repressive. Consensus has been forgotten, and social legitimacy has been lost. Such is the climate on the eve of the elections expected on July 6th. ... continuar...


From Environmentalism To Radical Ecology
This is the second part of the text from a seminar sponsored by CEPIS in Brazil in April 1992. It was published in Cuba by the Martin Luther King Center in 1996 under the title "Political and Theological Dimension of Ecology." The first part was published in the June 1997 issue of envío.... continuar...

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Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America