Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 238 | Mayo 2001



An Election Script with Heavy-handed Special Effects
The parties have not yet revealed their programs and many uncertainties still remain about the filming. Without a decent script, those hogging the set are irresponsibly filling the void with special effects.... continuar...


The Women of Malpaisillo: "Our Lives Have Changed"
Changing the lives of women may well change the life of Nicaragua. The experience of the Malpaisillo women’s organization gives us clues, renews our strength and fills us with hope. ... continuar...


PLC CAMPAIGN: WINNING "FRIENDS" AND SELLING INFLUENCE The group of Conservatives who have decided to ally with the PLC as Friends of Enrique Bolaños officially presented itself in the city... continuar...

El Salvador

A Small Town with Big Hopes Wants to Change Business as Usual
The neoliberal economic model swallowed up the tragedy of the two recent earthquakes and everything is back to business as usual. In the small municipality of Santa María Ostuma, however, the cracks opened up by the quakes also opened up an opportunity. ... continuar...


The Indigenous Law: A Mocking Step Backwards
The law approved by Congress, drafted by lawyers to protect landowners, is a mockery to Mexico’s indigenous peoples and will not settle the country’s historical debt to its roots. ... continuar...


Porto Alegre The Strength of Being Together
Well-known Chilean-Cuban leftist intellectual Marta Harnecker was among those who attended the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. The following are some of her impressions of the event. ... continuar...


Porto Alegre On the Road to Post-Capitalism
Dutch economist Wim Dierckxsens, intellectual from the North at the service of the South’s causes, was also in Porto Alegre. These are his reflections. ... continuar...


Globalized Civil Society: From Below or from Above?
The debate on the limits, possibilities and opportunities facing civil society today is an open one. The issue was discussed during the World Social Forum in January in Porto Alegre, Brazil, which brought together spokespeople and representatives of civil society around the world.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America