Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 333 | Abril 2009



Vulnerable to the Bottom-feeding Suckermouth
While the Panama Suckerfish has invaded Lake Cocibolca’s ecosystem, Nicaragua has been invaded by the global economic crisis. Which is worse, the economic crisis attacking from outside or our contaminated political ecosystem, which isn’t dealing with it?... continuar...


JOE BIDEN MEETS WITH THE REGION’S PRESIDENTS In mid-March a Summit of Progressive Governments was held in which US Vice President Joe Biden met with the Presidents of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.... continuar...


The Crisis Cries for Dialogue but the Government Polarized the Country
One of Nicaragua’s most lucid politicians analyzes the economic and political moment, evaluates the FSLN government, and calls for a change of course. ... continuar...


How Do Coast Women Understand Poverty?
Can one not have and not be poor? Be wealthy and yet be poor? Have riches and not have God? How much do identity, dignity and culture free a community from poverty?... continuar...

El Salvador

A Grassroots Drive Pushes ARENA out of Government
The Salvadoran people achieved a heroic feat: they removed ARENA from the executive branch, following a long succession of rightwing governments that had unconditionally backed US government policies. Yes, they could, thanks to an enormous collective effort; it was an exemplary electoral insurrection. After this qualitative leap, what’s next? While the challenges are huge, there’s much to celebrate.... continuar...


A State Less and Less Willing to Tolerate Social Protest
Indigenous, youth and neighborhood groups met in Jalisco in February and March to discuss the Mexican state’s mounting repression of social movements. Its obvious aim is to instill fear and resignation, inhibit the protests and teach a lesson to any who dare participate.... continuar...


A History of US Deportation: Will to Exclude, License to Marginalize
Deportation isn’t just the exercise of a right to control borders. It’s also a license the society’s dominant power grants itself to discriminate, to reject and to denigrate minorities. The history of the USA’s evolution as a nation reveals shameful episodes of an ingrained will to exclude. Could that some day be transformed into a will to welcome and share?... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America