Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 362 | Septiembre 2011



A civic fiesta, less than healthy competition or utter chaos?
Will November’s elections be a civic fiesta, as such events are often called? Will they be merely unequal competition against an entrenched incumbent? Or, in the worst case, might they trigger scenarios of violence and chaos? The Nicaraguan Human Rights Center has warned of the latter: “The government is making things too tense. It wants a clear path in the elections. And violence is the recourse Daniel Ortega has almost always used as his modus operandi.”... continuar...


ORTEGA – GHADDAFI On September 2, after having delivered four speeches without mentioning what was happening in Libya, President Daniel Ortega finally referred to those events, stating that Nicaragua... continuar...


What education priorities should this or the next government have?
Nicaragua’s current priorities for improving public education are described and analyzed by this education researcher, who also shows us the educational plans of the two leading presidential candidates.... continuar...


Memories of the betrayed generation
How did those in rival bands facing each other on the battlefronts in the 1980s survive? How have they coped with that drama? What did the war give them or take from them? I searched out eight former combatants and war wounded to interview. I’m a long overdue listener to their testimonies, in which I heard commitment, humor and pain. Disillusionment, too. These are the memories of a generation that today feels betrayed.... continuar...

El Salvador

The case of the murdered Jesuits: An un-extraditable crime
Military assassins won the most recent round in the case of the Jesuit priests murdered in November 1989, aided by the Salvadoran Supreme Court’s unwillingness to comply with INTERPOL’s “red notice.” But the case isn’t closed. There will be new rounds to test a country that must fight against impunity.... continuar...


What the “gold fever” has left us
For eight years the Entre Mares mining company devastated the forest, contaminated the waters, changed the climate and ruined the health and even the lives of thousands of citizens in the Siria Valley. Despite this well-known, documented and condemned disaster, the Honduran government has awarded various mining companies a third of the country’s land, granting them 157 exploration licenses. Who’ll stop this monster?... continuar...

América Latina

From Latin America to Abya Yala: The new awakening of indigenousness
Mestizo America reigned supreme until the 1960s. Since that time, thanks to an array of factors, indigenous peoples have been shucking off that mask. Via many routes, zigzagging between successes and setbacks, they and their proposals have found their place on the continent’s agenda and in its public policy. One can no longer talk about Latin America without also speaking of Abya Yala: ripe or fertile land.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America