Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 389 | Diciembre 2013



Chronicle of a reform foretold
The constitutional reform package designed by President Ortega is the final step of his project. With it he concentrates powers like those he had in the eighties, undoing both the 1995 reforms and the bipartite reforms of 2000, this time aiming to consolidate a single party. The Constitution that will soon govern the country is no surprise because Daniel Ortega needs it.... continuar...


INTEROCEANIC CANAL In the 19th Climate Change Conference, held in Poland in mid-November, Nicaragua was represented by President Ortega’s public policies secretary, Paul Oquist, who presented... continuar...


The constitutional reforms will institutionalize Ortega’s total control
Reflections on President Daniel Ortega’s recently unveiled constitutional reform project by a self-defined center-left member of the opposition. In a short-sighted country, Ortega’s project is a long-term one of absolute control, annulling any vestige of democracy and militarizing the State. What’s he so afraid of?... continuar...


“The reforms favor the long-term absolute power of a person or party”
On November 22, the bishops of Nicaragua’s Episcopal Conference presented the following message to the National Assembly’s Special Constitutional Findings Commission on President Ortega’s constitutional reform bill. We offer it in its entirety with clarifying annotations in brackets.... continuar...


A first brief take on the November 24 elections
“Weeping and sweat run in this deep place of wounded America and a taste of tears slips from the sky.” The coup four years ago inspired an unparalleled harvest of poems, of which the above by a young Honduran woman is one example. The coup also filled today’s ballot box with votes for the young LIBRE party, thus breaking with Honduras’ traditional bipartite system. Below is my first brief take on elections aimed at closing this convulsive political stage.... continuar...


What’s happening where the Central American migrants cross?
We learned something of what’s happening on Mexico’s southern border by travelling the four migratory corridors of its own “Lampedusa.” This is a brief diagnosis, an analytic tomography, of those corridors. What’s happening there also exposes what’s happening in the countries of origin of the hundreds of thousands of migrants from Central America who pass through Mexico heading north. Those who survive would face less suffering and danger if they just had some kind of document.... continuar...

América Latina

The new Left’s extractive model isn’t leading to development
The governments of Latin America’s new “Left,” motivated by erroneous traditional development ideas, are committed to an accelerated, intense extractive model, offering mining and oil concessions to plundering transnationals. . Any ideas based on an alternative to that development concept are rejected as ingenuous, dangerous and even impossible. But there is another development path: post-extractivism, which doesn’t mean prohibiting all extractive projects or defending the utopia of untouched Nature. A transition to post-extractivism is possible, although there will surely be resistance.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America