Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 404 | Marzo 2015



Insecurities in the region’ssafest country
How can Nicaragua be Central America’s “safest country” and still breed the insecurity we’re currently experiencing? The growing fear, which is just another name for insecurity, is fed by the omnipresent social control. There’s a feeling of insecurity among the peasants living with armed groups or resisting the canal project; the geopolitical alignments in foreign policy are triggering speculations that spark fear; and although the aim is to provide security, the official secrecy on issues of national concern ignores the fact that disinformation also provokes insecurity.... continuar...


TIME PERIODS AND LAND LIMITS TO THE CANAL CONCESSION Environmental lawyer Mónica López Baltodano provided more precise data this month about the deadlines granted to the Chinese company HKND... continuar...


A correct energy strategy must be aimed at Nicaragua’s development
This electrical engineer shares his detailed knowledge of Nicaragua’s electricity system and its current energy model, with particular emphasis on the Ortega government’s lack of an energy strategy or a national development strategy. ... continuar...


Zero Hunger: How are the women doing?
In 2010 a team from Matagalpa’s Grupo Venancia investigated “how it’s going” for women beneficiaries of the Zero Hunger bond, the government’s flagship social program. In 2014, they went back to the same groups to do some follow up on that earlier research, Adding a few more questions to those of 2010: Have cooperatives been formed that empower women? How are the clientelist practices of the government’s social policies regarded? ... continuar...


Therise and fall of Los Cachiros cartel
President Obama’s labelling of Los Cachiros as one of the most dangerous drug-trafficking mafias in Central American and Mexico was the beginning of this cartel’s end. But what will come next after its leaders turned themselves in to the DEA in January 2015? ... continuar...


Ayotzinapa on the world map of dignity
“The few are few until they meet and find themselves in others. Then something miraculous happens. Those who thought themselves alone and few discover that we are the majority in every sense. In truth, it is those from above who are few.” The parents of the young men from Ayotzinapa received this solidarity message and many other greetings from the Zapatistas. ... continuar...


2045: Welcome to a fair future
What would the world look like with fair resource politics? In the next thirty years, if we’ve given up oil, if cars have become fewer, if rural populations have seen their rights respected, if we’re eating healthier, yes... yes... yes... If it’s true that to build the future you need to dream it first, let’s start by dreaming. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America