Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 435 | Octubre 2017



The curtain’s up, the stage set and the script written
Only a year after so many voters abstained, they’re now invited to another election show. Will the script have any new surprises? Any new actors in the cast of characters? And what’s going on behind the scenes, where the producers are nervously waiting? There’s never been such tension in the wings …. or so little enthusiasm on stage. ... continuar...


Nicaragua briets
OFFICIAL RESPONSE TO THE NICA ACT Not surprisingly, Vice President Rosario Murillo issued a communique responding to the unanimous approval of the Nica Act by the US House of Representatives... continuar...


“Femicides tell us about the society we’ve constructed”
A knowledgeable and passionate reflection on machista violence in Nicaragua, the cause of a growing number of cruel femicides. What drives it and what must be done about it? ... continuar...

El Salvador

Water for everyone: A struggle for life
The recently approved Law to Prohibit Metal Mining is one of the most important grassroots victories of our times. For all those who have been struggling for the past eight years to prevent water privatization policies from being pushing through, a law as clear as this one is also essential to their efforts to defend water. María Barahona, from Tecoluca, succinctly states what the people want: “We don’t want water privatized or sugarcane plantations near water springs. We don’t want water to be expensive and we don’t want it to be scarce. We want all Salvadorans to have water in all our communities.” ... continuar...


Democracy in the streets
On August 27, President Jimmy Morales declared CICIG commissioner Iván Velásquez Gómez persona non grata and ordered the foreign affairs minister to ensure Mr. Velásquez’s immediately departure from Guatemala “within the legal and diplomatic framework.” Thus began a political crisis that holds lessons and hopes for the entire Central American region. ... continuar...


Machista violence killed Berta Cáceres
The murder of Berta Cáceres was a political femicide. a crime intrinsic to the machismo so firmly embedded in the Honduran State’s political, legal and economic power structures and even the country’s religious power. that it’s why impunity shields its intellectual authors today. ... continuar...


Questions from the rubble
The first words for suffering Mexico and many questions from the rubble: Why did the alarm sound so late? Why didn’t Mexico learn its lesson? Who’s responsible for those deaths and for the tears they caused? These and many more questions for which we have no answers are for Mexico, for which we grieve so deeply today. ... continuar...


Reflections on the referendum in Catalonia
The sovereigntist referendum held in Catalonia on October 1, which the government of Spain had already declared illegal, forces all progressive people of our globalized world to reflect. The following reflections were written before the referendum, but they remain valid because they go to the heart of the issue, beyond what happened and whatever will happen in the future. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America