Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 457 | Julio 2019



An ultimatum to the dictatorship?
The OAS General Assembly approved a resolution in Medellín on June 28 reiterating that Nicaragua’s constitutional and democratic order has been altered and giving Daniel Ortega 75 days to negotiate an effective way out of the national crisis with the Civic Alliance, this time in good faith. It has all the earmarks of an ultimatum from the highest level of that regional body. Will Ortega understand it as such and respond? Or will he continue imposing himself via repression, prolonging the nation’s uncertainty until 2021 …or even beyond?... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION Abelardo Mata, the bishop of Estelí, went to the United States in late May to meet with the Nicaraguan diaspora in various cities. On May 30, he was invited to Washington... continuar...


40 years of the Sandinista revolution: Could it have been different?
On the 40th anniversary of the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship envío invited one of the nine comandantes on the FSLN National directorate, deputy minister of the interior and minister of the economy during the 1980s, and in the leadership of the Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS) since 2005, to share his assessment of the revolution his participation in it, and his take on how we all got to this moment in which Daniel Ortega has Nicaragua trapped in a dictatorial crisis with no clear or easy way out given Ortega’s determination to remain in power at all cost.... continuar...


The Ortega–Murillo partnership’s perverse repression and betrayal
This is a prologue by Elena Poniatowska, the award-winning Mexican author, for a new book by José Luis Rocha, our long-time companion here at envío, titled Self-organized and Plugged in – University Students in Nicaragua’s April Rebellion and published by Managua’s Central American University (UCA). She recalls her first relationships with some Nicaraguans, and, in the light of our country’s tragic reality, severely condemns “Ortega’s perverse government.”... continuar...


40 years later: How women from both sides experienced the revolution
With an attentive and empathetic ear, the author interviewed 9 mothers and wives of soldiers from the Nicaraguan Resistance; 4 mothers of Sandinista soldiers; and 11 wives and mothers who actively participated in the Revolution. The author dedicates these stories in her book to all women from both sides and “to the Nicaraguan youth, in the hope that they value and respect the women of their story.”... continuar...


Repression in the prisons and abuse in the courts
On June 19, José Miguel Vivanco, director of Human Rights Watch Americas, presented a report in Washington on the abuses inflicted on Nicaraguan political prisoners. In presenting it, Vivanco defined the ruling couple as “international pariahs who have established a tyranny in Nicaragua. For this reason international pressure cannot let up. This regime only understands the language of pressure.” The following are excerpts from that report.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America