Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 464 | Marzo 2020



The marathon has begun …
The electoral marathon scheduled to finish on November 7, 2021, began with the launching of the National Coalition against the dictatorship on February 25, the 30th anniversary of Ortega’s 1990 electoral defeat. How many hurdles will it face on the road to blue and white unity? And how many obstacles will the dictatorship itself put on that road? How many times will each side stumble during the race? And how will this endurance test end for the population? With a dreamed-of victory… or a catastrophic defeat? ... continuar...


Nicaragua briefs
ANOTHER MEGAPROJECT? Behind closed doors the government signed a 25-year sales agreement on February 17 with New Fortress Energy, a US company, to build a 300-megawatt natural gas-based electricity... continuar...


“We’re facing an educational emergency”
These two educators and experts in pedagogy, founders of the Center for Social Educational Research and Action (CIASES) explain the reasons for the “educational emergency” in Nicaragua today, and describe the deplorable state of its national educational system. ... continuar...


Continued social polarization or cohesion? A particular look at Masaya
.Social polarization has increased vastly in Nicaragua since April 2018. From family circles up to the national level, social links are severely affected and violence has damaged trust, a crucial element in the social contract. Distrust and fear have become everyday social markers across the country. The dictatorship’s strategy is to pit some against others. How has all this affected Masaya and what are its prospects?? ... continuar...


The death of the MACCIH and CC-4’s uncertain future
The Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH) grew out of the very pact that four years later would be responsible for its demise. After killing it, Juan Orlando Hernández, creator of Honduras’ most unshakeable impunity pact and Co-Conspirator-4 (CC-4) in drug trafficking operations, now finds his own future—and life—at risk. ... continuar...


Is democracy dying?
Up until the 1980s, democracies died suddenly. Today they die slowly, bit y bit. Voter indignation and the corrosive acts of demagogues bleed them dry. Uncertainty and turmoil seem to be fixtures of the democracy awaiting us. Fascism and communism were “alternatives” to 20th-century liberal democracy. What does the 21st century have in store? ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America