Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 6 | Noviembre 1981



Dear Friends
It has been an incredibly active month here in Nicaragua; one in which many of the events that have taken place give us serious cause for concern. There has been a massive anti-malaria campaign in... continuar...


Halcón Vista And The Response Of The Nicaraguan People
The threats from the U.S. government against Nicaragua and Cuba increased in intensity and passion. The Reagan administration spoke of a naval blockade and of direct military intervention.... continuar...


The Case Regarding COSEP and caus members
Four high-ranking members of the Private Enterprise Superior Council (COSEP) and four members of the Trade Union Action and Unity Confederation (CAUS) were tried for having violated the Law for the Maintenance of Public Order and Safety, as well as the Law of Social and Economic Emergency.... continuar...


The Inmunity Of Five Council Members Revoked
On October 21st the State Council of the Republic of Nicaragua revoked the legal immunity of five of its members. The procedures against these persons are explained in the following.... continuar...


Refugees In Central America
The refugees desperately seek safe haven, fleeing from horrors so awful that they prefer to leave their family and the few possessions they have. They try to find, at great risk, some corner somewhere where there is at least a minimum of security.... continuar...


North-South Conference At Cancun
The controversial topic of North/South relations was debated among representatives of developed and underdeveloped countries in Cancun, Mexico’s luxurious Caribbean resort city, on October 22nd and 23rd. ... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America