Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 8 | Enero 1982



Dear Friends
This envío finds us a little short-handed. Some of the staff are out of Nicaragua for the moment, either on vacation or in travel related to our Information Center. In spite of that and the pause... continuar...


Seminar On Racism And Racial Discrimination Held In Managua
From December 14 to 21 a United Nations seminar on race and racial discrimination was held in Managua. This seminar was the third in a series of regional seminars promoted by the U.N. in the Decade against Racism and Racial Discrimination that began in 1973.... continuar...


Interview With Theo Van Boven
Q. Can you give us a little background on the seminar? TVB: This seminar here in Managua is being organized as a part of the UN program for the Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination.... continuar...


Excerpts From Speech by Comandante Tomas Borge
Extracts from the discourse of Comandante Tomás Borge at the closing ceremony of the Seminar on Human Rights and Racial Discrimination.... continuar...


Update On The Atlantic Coast Situation In Nicaragua
envío spoke with Rev. Norman Bent, minister of the Moravian Church of Puerto Cabezas, who participated in the U.N. seminar on racism as one of the delegates of the Nicaraguan Institute of the Atlantic Coast.... continuar...


Declaration By The Instituto Historico Centroamericano
Text of the comuniqué of the Central American Historical Institute, which edits the magazine envío, about the latest violent acts provoked by armed bands in Nicaragua.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America